Positive Behavior Supports (PBS)

PBS:  What is it and what does it mean for students?
Positive Behavior Support or PBS is a PROACTIVE program designed to recognize, praise and support students.  Most discipline programs are REACTIVE. The goal of PBS is to teach behaviors in a way that show children what is expected.  These expectations are clearly defined, practiced through role-playing activities, and teachers use situational, in-context opportunites to teach those expectations. 

Through collaborative planning, school-wide “rules” or expectations have been established at SDB.  Social Skill lessons focusing on expected behaviors are being developed.  These lessons focus not only on teaching socialization skills but they also teach how these skills will be used in all settings of our school!   Using techniques like “pre-corrects” and “two-by-ten” will teach expectations and build relationships with all of our students.  

 Our school has already implemented other programs that integrate well with PBS.  They are:

§  Terrific Kids Assemblies (quarterly)

§  Character Spotlight (Weekly recognitions of staff and students) One staff member and one student will have their name displayed on the marquee in front of our school as Employee and Student of the Week.

§  Bundy’s Best on the Bus (Weekly recognitions, monthly rewards)

§  Bundy’s Best (Students receive tickets and golden tickets (paw prints) when they are “caught” following established expectations and rules. Tickets can be redeemed each Friday for prizes.)

§  Honorable Mentions (Weekly staff recognitions by parents and community members.)

§  Teacher to Teacher (Daily recognitions for teachers by teachers, shared at staff meetings) A “happy sun” is placed on the teacher’s door.

§  Administrator Admirings (Daily staff recognitions by administrators, shared at staff meetings) A “happy sun” is placed on the teacher’s door.

 Want to know more??? Visit the following: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/positivebehavior/